The Dailies

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March 11 2025

I will be on location: end of March through the beginning of April. 

Full moon, blood moon, lunar eclipse on the 13th. Just got a call that a car was run through a friends business today, that is on International travel. Was just on site. It is being handled. Assistance there is amazing. Welcome to this energy. 

Many conversations from people of past relationship apologies or recaps/clarity. I have something I tell myself when I am in the gym, when I am pushing harder than I know I should, which immediately changes the way I feel about my atmosphere/surroundings. "The work is the same". Not matter what is going on inside or around you, the work is the same. Only you can do it. Only you can stop it. Only you can choose it. Only you can fully understand it and only you, can truly honor it. Keep that in mind. 

Comprehensive Forgiveness Prayer:

I See All in Wellness ~E

For the younger ones, I recently found this resource interesting: BACA

Wim Hof: